
Casino Ambassador

Team Play

Casino Games are known for its individualist play. But and if we tell you that you can team up? Three heads will think better than one.
We present the SCH Team Play event is set on developing a sense of quick communication as well as working together to memorize and develop strategies to increase the edge for profits.


After a quick educative lesson about the game rules and basic strategies, teams will workout their best plan to beat the other teams’


Communication will have to be past quickly as the game runs, so the supportive team can calculate the odds and propose the team’s bets, while their captain will be in charge of executing the plan.​


Make it more fun, include a competition and prizes.
Add a time limit for responses to test your team’s performance under stressful situations.

Team PLay game IN A NUTSHELL


Fun, teamwork, communication, team performance under stress.


From 3 - 6 hours


At your own space or at Casino Ambassador


Casino - All inclusive or A la Carte. H&Hotels Venue - Catering Available Your Space - Not Available


Casino Ambassador - Max 32 people Portable Casino - Max 160 people

Starting From

We kindly request a minimum booking window of

3 WEEKS To Best Serve You

We cannot guarantee an event will be possible if booked with less than 3 weeks prior the event date.